“I had the pleasure of acting as Scientific Secretary of the COST Telecommunications, Information Science and Technologies (TIST)from 2000‑2002, whilst I was working at the European Commission. COST is for me a unique instrument, complementing the science and technology activities in the national and EU Framework Programmes for research and technology development.
COST is agile and focused on networking of excellent scientists on a European scale and can quickly be mobilised to support cross-disciplinary or emerging fields of RTD which is even more relevant today.
During my responsibility for COST TIST I supported 27 multidisciplinary COST Actions, of which COST Action 244 and 281 concerned ground breaking large-scale studies with WHO on the safety and potential health implications of Electro Magnetic Fields(in particular mobile and wireless communications (4G)and several COST Actions preparing the technological grounds for 4Gwireless antennas in widespread usage today. “
Peter Wintlev-Jensen, Scientific Secretary of the COST Telecommunications, Information Science and Technologies (TIST) from 2000 to 2002.